List of Top Government Jobs Available After 12th


List of Top Government Jobs Available After 12th (Latest 2025)

One doesn't always have to complete their graduation to get a top government job in India. You can even get a government job after completing your 12th. Yes, that’s right. But if you are still thinking which government jobs are available after 12th? Then you are at the right place, as we’ll be sharing a list of top government jobs available after 12th to select the right option for you.

There are a number of government departments like SSC, Indian Railways, Defense, Banking and more that offer jobs after 12th. Let’s checkout which government jobs are available after 12th as per their department.

Which Government Jobs Are Available After 12th: SSC Department

Staff Selection Commission is the full-form of SSC, and this government body conducts exams all over India to find out eligible candidates for various departments of government of India. To understand which government jobs pay the most, we have also added a separate salary section to get a better understanding of the job.

If you want to get a government job in India, you need to know about latest government jobs in 2024. Finding a sarkari naukri or government job is a dream of most of the youngsters in India. But when it comes to finding a job in public sector, you should be ready to deal with a sarkari exam.

Job PostSalaryEligibility
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)INR 19,900 - 63,20018-27 years, 12th pass
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)INR 19,900 - 63,20018-27 years, 12th pass
Data Entry Operator, Grade AINR 25,500 - 81,10018-27 years, 12th pass in science stream with math
Data Entry Operator (DEO)INR 25,500 - 81,10018-27 years, 12th pass in science stream with math
SSC StenographerGrade pay: INR 2400/4200/4600Stenographer Grade C - 18-30 years, 12th pass
Stenographer Grade D - 18-27 years, 12th pass
Multi-tasking Staff & HavaldarAs per pay level 1 in the 7th pay commission18-25 years, 12th pass

Which Government Jobs Are Available After 12th: Indian Defense Department

Indian Defense is one such place where most of the people want to get into. But due to their unawareness around the defense jobs after 12th, they are unable to apply for it. However, this would not be the case right now, as here’s the list of defense jobs after 12th.

Job PostSalaryEligibility
Indian Navy CadetAs per the Indian Navy Guidelines17 years(min)
CISF Head ConstableINR 25,500 - 81,10018-23 years, 12th pass
Indian Navy Sailor (AA & SSR)INR 5200 - 20,20018 years(min), 12th pass

Which Government Jobs Are Available After 12th: Indian Railways Department

Most of the people have this query in their mind that, are government jobs easy? Well, the answer is, it depends upon how much you love your work. If you are someone who wants to get into Indian Railways work, then here are the jobs after 12th. As if you love Indian Railways, you’ll never feel this work as a difficult task.

Job PostSalaryEligibility
Assistant Loco PilotAs per the 7th pay commission report18-30 years, 12th pass
Train ClerkAs per the 7th pay commission report18-30 years, 12th pass
Commercial Cum Ticket ClerkINR 5200 - 20,20018 years(min), 12th pass

Which Government Jobs Are Available After 12th: Public Sector Undertaking Department

Those who are interested in PSU government jobs and have completed their 12th. Here’s the list of jobs you can opt for. They mostly have computer operator jobs, and if you have this query that government jobs will be replaced by AI, then we would like to assure that not every job can be replaced by AI. Moreover AI is a helping hand, and one cannot completely rely on AI for a job completion.

Job PostSalaryEligibility
Trade Apprentice (Data Entry Operator)As per apprentice act 1961/197318-24 years, 12th pass
DRDO Mechanists, Fitters, Draughtsmen, Computer operatorsINR 770018-28 years, 12th pass
Junior AssistantINR 26,600 - 90,00018-35 years, 12th pass

Final Words

Students who have a misconception of government jobs are only for graduate people, we hope we have cleared your query. You can apply for the right job as per your requirements, to know more about the exams of these government jobs you can take help from Rojgar result network.